Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 14-20


This week we are reading “The Houdini Box” by Brian Selznick.  We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story.  It would be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with your child.  Also, on this post you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these words at home as well.  The words in italics are our challenge spelling words.  Let’s have a great week!

Spelling Words: don’t, won’t, wouldn’t, there’s, we’re, you’re, doesn’t, I’ve, here’s, wasn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, where’s, hadn’t, aren’t, they’re, it’s, we’ve, when’s, haven’t, it’ll, who’ll, might’ve, mustn’t, we’d

Vocabulary Word
was seen; came in sight
being noisily busy and in a hurry
fell to pieces; decayed
to get out and away; to get free
person who entertains by art or skill of creating illusions, especially a sleight of hand
something set up to honor a person or an event.  A monument may be a building, pillar, arch, statue, tomb, or stone
disappeared, especially suddenly
 We are also focusing on Comparing and Contrasting! Valentine's Day we will compare and contrast Pepsi vs. Coke. It should be super fun! We will be using our results in math group, as well.


We tested on Long Division on Tuesday and are finishing up Number Sentences now.  We will be looking at Decimals and Fractions beginning Monday.

Practice reading money amounts (like: five dollars and 85 cents~ $5.85) and discuss parts of a dollar (cents). Look at fractional parts of a pack of Skittles, M&M's or a Hershey bar for Valentine's Day.  Use your imagination and involve math everyday!

Valentine's Math on Thursday will be soooo much fun!


 The students have been assigned a famous African American. We are actively researching our figures as we prepare to write a research paper. Your student has the guide for how to accomplish the paper. 

Most high school students fear public speaking and research papers. My goal is to alleviate any worries for our students, as they grow up. They will be able to say, "I've been doing this since the 4th grade!" :)


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