Monday, August 27, 2012

What a Super First Week!

 I am excited to say that this past week has been great!! The students wrote the class mission statement, created personalized flags, and began our weekly story: Sailing Home.
This week will will increase our math focus on Place Value and Comparing/Rounding numbers. 

Thursdays will be our test days for all Reading materials.  This first test, I will walk through it with them, so they can become familiar with the new series. 

All in all, I am very proud of this group. They work hard! We will be practicing working with more speed because we have so much to cover in the  4th grade~ August is almost gone!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Hello Fourth Graders

Welcome to the new school year!! We will begin our adventure Monday morning! I'm super excited about this year!! See you Monday...
Mrs. Evans